Burnley FC in the community deliver a variety of health, fitness and mental health programmes. Using the power of football to create a healthier, happier community in Burnley and surrounding … [continue] Burnley Football Club – Health & Wellbeing Support
Pharmacy First
Did you know Pharmacists can provide prescription-only medication to address seven common health conditions without the need of seeing a GP? Pharmacists can provide treatment for the following conditions: Sinusitis … [continue] Pharmacy First
Don’t Fear the Smear (Cervical Screening)
The smear test, now known as Cervical Screening, is a test to check the health of the cervix and help prevent cervical cancer. It is offered to women and people … [continue] Don’t Fear the Smear (Cervical Screening)
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
Did you know if you are living with obesity and also have diabetes, high blood pressure or both, your GP can refer you to a 12 week programme to help … [continue] The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
Diabetes Awareness Week 10th -16th June
More than 115,000 people aged over 17 in Lancashire and South Cumbria are living with diabetes and the percentage of children estimated to be at risk of diabetes is around … [continue] Diabetes Awareness Week 10th -16th June
NHS App – have you turned on your notifications?
You probably know about the NHS App – you might even be using it. But have you turned on your notifications? Turning on your notifications means you’ll see any messages … [continue] NHS App – have you turned on your notifications?
Start using the NHS App today
The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and information on your smartphone or tablet. Millions of people are already using the … [continue] Start using the NHS App today
Carers Rights Day, Thursday 23 November 2023
Carers Rights Day is taking place on Thursday 23 November and this year, the focus is on unpaid carers. Have you become a carer recently? Or have you been caring … [continue] Carers Rights Day, Thursday 23 November 2023
Wear it pink
We raided our wardrobes to find something pink to wear in support of breast cancer awareness week. We had a lovely raffle and raised £45.00 for the charity. Remember to … [continue] Wear it pink
Access you GP health record on the NHS App
People over the age of 16 can now access their GP health record on the NHS App and nhs.uk. This includes consultation notes, letters and test results. During your next … [continue] Access you GP health record on the NHS App
On-line access to your medical records
The NHS wants to give people better ways to see their personal health information online. We know that people want to be able to access their health records. It can … [continue] On-line access to your medical records
Organ Donation Week 2023 – 18 to 24 September

You could save as many as nine lives as an organ donor. Confirm your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register today #OrganDonation https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/register-your-decision/donate/?
Practice Closure Thursday 14th September 12.30pm – 6.30pm
All GP Practices in East Lancashire are closed today from 12.30 pm-6.30pm for Protected Learning Time. This enables practices to provide dedicated training to their staff and to discuss and … [continue] Practice Closure Thursday 14th September 12.30pm – 6.30pm
Friends & Family Test Feedback
Thank you for completing our FFT survey, we use your feedback to help us improve patient experience. FFT – August 2023 FFT May 2023 FFT April 23 (1)
Samaritans Awareness Day – 24th July 2023
Every 10 seconds, Samaritans responds to a call for help. We’re proud to share the charity’s awareness-raising campaign #TalkToUs, to remind people that Samaritans are there for anyone who needs … [continue] Samaritans Awareness Day – 24th July 2023
Mental Health Awareness Week
We’re proud to be supporting @mentalhealth this #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek – 15 to 21 May. Join in and help to create a world with good mental health for all. Find out more … [continue] Mental Health Awareness Week
Welcome to our new website!
We are delighted to launch our new practice website. Please take a look around the new site and let us know what you think.
Spring COVID-19 vaccinations
People aged 75 or above, or those with a weakened immune system, can now book their spring COVID-19 vaccine. You can book at www.nhs.uk/CovidVaccination, through the NHS App, or by calling … [continue] Spring COVID-19 vaccinations